Hand Therapy week is was on the 6th to 12th of June this year. During Hand Therapy Week, we aim to increase and raise awareness about hand therapy practitioners, what they do and how they can help patients with sports and everyday injuries.
If we think about it, our hands are so valuable and useful for our everyday activities. Therefore, we encourage and enforce how critical it is for everyone to take care of them.
During this week, we specially try to increase the profile of hand therapists. At Bankstown Physiotherapy, we have three hand therapists. All our hand therapists have extensive experience with therapy, casting and splinting, rehabilitation, and recovery. We also provide comprehensive care and management plans for our patients. We aim to give functional outcomes to ensure a faster return to work and productive lifestyle.

Injuries that hand therapists can treat:
- Soft tissue sprains and strains
- Fractures of upper extremity
- Overuse injuries
- Arthritic and degenerative joint disease
- Wound care
- Scar management
- Compression-based and traumatic peripheral nerve injuries
- Amputations and re-plantations
For any enquiries regarding your injury or pain, please give us a call on 9793 3119 or visit our website www.bankstownphysiotherapy.com.au to make a booking.

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