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  • Writer's pictureBankstown Physiotherapy

What is Hypermobility?

Have you ever met someone who can pop their thumb out of place or bend their fingers back far too much for comfort? Or how about someone who can contort their limbs in ways that seem absolutely uncomfortable? Many of us know this phenomenon as double-jointedness but in the medical world, this is more commonly known as hypermobility.

In many cases, hypermobility is caused when toddlers move and settle in improper ways as they move and grow. Despite this, hypermobility will not cause any long term medical conditions or pain, however, this does not mean that there are no health-associated risks with the condition. One major risk that parents must be aware of is the development of scoliosis due to improper hip and spine alignment whilst growing. One specific study showed that three times as likely to develop scoliosis due to weaker bones (Osteogenesis).

However, in most cases, despite the physical evidence of hypermobility as seen through extending the bones, the only notable symptom is a pain in the joints. This is most common in the fingers, elbows, hips, and knees. But, this should not cause alarm unless the pain is ongoing or causing problems with mobility. In most cases, painkilling medicines and anti-inflammatories should be able to resolve such pain. However, in some cases, physiotherapy or other medical assistance should be sought.

As well, those who experience hypermobility may also experience a greater chance of injury. This is because the body's typical range of motion exists to prevent injury, however, in those with hypermobility, this range is expanded. This means that the muscles may be pulled too far or in unnatural directions. However this is also no cause for alarm as with some training and precaution, such a chance of injury can be significantly reduced.

As we have mentioned, for most people, hypermobility is no cause for alarm. However, for those who are hypermobile, it is best to seek medical attention as a form of precaution. As well, medical professionals, especially physiotherapists, can suggest a range of tips and exercises that may be able to prevent injury and build muscular strength.

If you are experiencing hypermobility and are in need of some assistance, give us a call at 97933119 to make an appointment or visit our website.

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