We saw a massive increase in the number of Aussies heading to the beach this long weekend to embrace the hot weather and cool off in the water. Beach days can be super exciting and a great way to spend time with the family. However, it is important that we are taking care of ourselves both outside and inside of the water to ensure these beach days don't end in injury or heat stroke.

Be Safe in the Sun
As relaxing as it feels to lay about under the sun all day, we must remember that too much sun can cause skin damage, skin aging and an increased chance of skin cancer. We all know the saying slip, slop, slap, but there are other factors that we can make ourselves aware of to stay safe under the sun.
Limit how much sun you get between 10am and 4pm as this is when the sun is at its most dangerous. The use of beach umbrellas and beach tents are a great way to enjoy the hot day during these hours without the impact of UV.
Apply your sunscreen 30 minutes before getting into the sun. Whilst many apply their sunscreen upon arrival to the beach, this means that your skin has already received some damage from the sun before it takes full effect.
Sunscreen is important, even when cloudy. Although it may not feel as hot during cloudy days, the UV from the sun can be even more damaging than on a cloudless day.
Be Safe in the Ocean
Whether you are swimming, surfing or floating about, it is important that you are safe in the water, especially when with young ones. We know to swim between the flags, but did you know there are other crucial elements to staying safe in the water. These include;
Never swim alone. Bringing a buddy with you ensures that if an accident happens there is somebody that can call for help.
Stay away from those who are fishing. Fishing hooks can be concealed in the water and can travel far away from their fishing pole. Avoid the risk of stepping on a fishing hook by staying far away.
Don't swim when it's dark outside. Most lifeguard patrols end as the sun goes down. This means that if danger were to occur, it is unlikely that you will be seen. This could result in serious injury.
Stay away from permanent structures. Currents and rips can change all of a sudden. Swimming near these structures increases the risk of injury to all parts of the body if this occurs.

It is important when going to the beach to make sure that you are well protected. If wanting to swim, it is vital to ensure that you are physically fit enough to withstand waves. For those with young children or who are less confident swimming, a beach with a secluded pool is a viable option.
If you have any questions we are always happy to help. Simply contact us at 97933119, visit our website or book online.